
10 Tips for Studying from Home

A lot of students study from home while they’re in college and even after graduation, but very few do it the right way. If you’re considering studying from home, you can get better results if you know exactly what to do (and what not to do) in order to maximize your productivity and have your best study sessions ever. Here are 10 tips for studying from home so that you can get the most out of every study session, whether it’s for an exam or just a class project.

Set Up A Study Space

Setting up a study space will be extremely beneficial to you when you’re studying. Make sure that your space is comfortable, clean and allows you to concentrate. Also, make sure that if there are any distractions, like pets or friends visiting that they won’t be interrupting your studying time. It’s also important to have everything you need in one place, so if something distracts you during your studies it will make it easier to get back on track quickly. The more organized and prepared for studying that you are at home will also help with motivation! When people want something enough they become much more productive in reaching their goals than those who just desire success but haven’t taken any steps towards realizing their dreams.

Create A Study Schedule

While you can study just about anywhere, it’s important to actually schedule time to do so. Plan out your days ahead of time, setting aside a time that works best for you, and commit to sticking with it every day. If your schedule is packed or fluctuates, write out template plans that highlight what your daily schedule would look like if everything went according to plan. It might take a few tries before you nail down a routine that works—but don’t give up! As long as you stay organized and focused on getting work done throughout your day, you’ll be able to study effectively no matter where you are.

Surround Yourself With The Right Tools

Before you even begin to study, make sure you have everything that you need. If you plan on studying at home, use a checklist to be sure you have everything from books and highlighters to a comfortable desk chair and a good lamp. When it comes time to study, your brain will be less likely to notice distractions like an untidy desk or uncomfortable temperature if they aren’t there in the first place. Keep The Phone Away: Distractions come in all shapes and sizes; unfortunately your cell phone is one of them. Turn your phone off during study time or put it away so that it doesn’t distract you when it rings or flashes.

Avoid Time Wasters

If you’re studying at home, you can avoid many of those time wasters that make it difficult to get anything done. For example, if your home is empty when you want to study, you won’t be tempted by distractions like your friends or gaming system. If there’s nothing good on TV, you can plow through homework quickly without feeling guilty about missing Game of Thrones. It might seem simple, but a great way to boost productivity while studying at home is to keep a food schedule: eat something every two hours and schedule breaks around meals and bedtime. Making sure your body is comfortable will help clear your mind so you can focus on what matters—studying!

Get Out Of The House

It’s easy to sit in your PJs and watch TV or surf Reddit when you study at home, but doing so won’t do your grades any favors. Take a break from procrastinating on Twitter once in a while and get out of your house to keep yourself focused and motivated. You’ll be surprised by how many distractions there are when you study at home. For example, if you have kids, they’ll probably find their way into your room at some point—or they’ll want to play with their toys (or yours). The same can be said if you live with roommates or significant others; noise is often unavoidable, especially if you live in a bustling household.

Plan For Breaks

If you’re going to be studying at home, schedule times to take breaks—even if they’re just a few minutes of stretching and a glass of water. It’s easy to get engrossed in what you’re doing and lose track of time, especially if you’ve been staring at a computer screen or notebook paper all day. Make sure that your breaks are relaxing, though; try not to let yourself sit down in front of another computer screen right after getting up. Plan some exercise, too; nothing beats a quick walk outside. Your brain will thank you later on when it doesn’t feel as tired as your body does!

Have a Dedicated Study Area

Dedicating a specific space in your home to studying is a great way to help you focus and stay on task. Whether it’s your living room, dining room, or bedroom, having a specific place to set up shop will make it easier to get work done. If you prefer studying outside of your home, check out some coffee shops or local libraries where you can enjoy comfortable seating and free Wi-Fi.

Take Notes for Online Classes

If you take online classes, it’s easy to fall into a cycle of not taking notes. This is because your professor may ask you to watch a video, take notes on what you see, and then watch another video that expands on what you learned in your previous class. By skipping out on note-taking—or not watching both videos—you may find yourself behind. To avoid procrastinating and falling behind, set a schedule for your note-taking that you can follow every week.

Eat Well, Sleep Well

A healthy diet and regular sleep are crucial to successful studying. While coffee can give you a temporary boost, it ultimately makes your mind cloudy and interrupts your ability to focus. To keep your mind clear and focused, stick to regular mealtimes and bedtimes. Bring food with you when you study; avoid unhealthy snacks as much as possible, since they only serve to make you hungry later on.

Avoid Multitasking

Studies have shown that multitasking slows down your efficiency and can decrease your learning. When you’re studying, set aside all distractions and focus on one task at a time. If you’re taking notes, write them in a word processor instead of on paper—studies show you retain more when you type your notes. It’s also important to be aware of how often (and when) you multitask throughout your day; try turning off email notifications or blocking social media websites during study times. To help streamline organization, use apps like Trello to organize tasks and make sure you’re meeting deadlines as well as prioritizing certain projects over others. And lastly, but most importantly: get enough sleep!

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