Product Reviews

Slack Review: Messaging, Calls, Integrations & More

Slack, founded in 2013 by Stewart Butterfield, Eric Costello, Cal Henderson, and Serguei Mourachov, has emerged as a revolutionary platform that transforms communication and collaboration in the workplace. From its initial release to its current status as a widely adopted business communication tool, Slack has continually evolved, offering a rich array of features, seamless integrations, and robust security measures. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into Slack’s pricing structure, key features, notable integrations, founder information, and the security measures that make it a trusted choice for businesses worldwide.

Founding and Initial Release

Slack was founded by Stewart Butterfield, previously known for co-founding Flickr. The idea for Slack stemmed from the internal communication tools used during the development of Butterfield’s gaming project, Glitch. Recognizing the potential of these tools, the founders shifted their focus to creating a platform that could revolutionize workplace communication.

Slack was officially released in August 2013, and its rapid adoption showcased the demand for a more efficient and organized communication platform in professional settings. The platform’s user-friendly interface and robust features quickly propelled it to the forefront of business communication tools.

Pricing Structure

Slack offers a tiered pricing structure designed to cater to the diverse needs of different organizations. As of the last available information (knowledge cutoff in January 2022), the pricing plans were as follows:

1. Free Plan:

  • Ideal for small teams or those looking to explore basic features.
  • Limited message history and file storage.
  • No advanced administration controls.

2. Standard Plan:

  • Priced per active user per month.
  • Expanded message history and file storage.
  • Group calls with up to 15 participants.
  • Priority support.

3. Plus Plan:

  • Advanced features for large enterprises.
  • Unlimited message history and file storage.
  • Group calls with up to 15 participants.
  • Enhanced security and compliance features.

For the most accurate and up-to-date pricing details, it’s recommended to visit Slack’s official pricing page.

Key Features

1. Messaging:

  • Real-time messaging for instant communication.
  • Organized channels for team-specific discussions.
  • Direct messaging for one-on-one conversations.

2. Calls:

  • Audio and video calls directly within the platform.
  • Screen sharing for collaborative discussions.
  • Integration with calendar apps for seamless scheduling.

3. Integrations:

  • Extensive app directory with thousands of integrations.
  • Connects with popular tools like Google Drive, Trello, and Jira.
  • Custom integrations for tailored solutions.

4. File Sharing and Collaboration:

  • Drag-and-drop file sharing.
  • Inline previews for various file types.
  • Collaboration on documents within Slack.

5. Search and Archive:

  • Powerful search functionality for quick information retrieval.
  • Message and file archiving for compliance and record-keeping.

Notable Integrations

Slack’s strength lies in its ability to integrate seamlessly with a wide array of third-party applications. Some notable integrations include:

  1. Google Drive: Share and collaborate on Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly within Slack.
  2. Trello: Keep track of project tasks and updates using Trello boards embedded in Slack channels.
  3. Jira: Streamline software development processes by integrating Jira issues and updates into Slack.
  4. GitHub: Receive real-time updates on code repositories, pull requests, and issues.
  5. Zoom: Initiate Zoom meetings directly from Slack, enhancing communication with audio and video conferencing.

Security Measures

Slack prioritizes security to ensure the protection of sensitive business communication. Key security features include:

  1. Enterprise Key Management (EKM): Allows organizations to control their encryption keys.
  2. Data Residency: Enables users to choose the region where their data is stored to comply with regulatory requirements.
  3. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhances account security by adding an extra layer of verification.
  4. Compliance: Slack adheres to various industry standards and compliance certifications to meet the security needs of diverse businesses.


Slack has redefined the landscape of workplace communication, offering a feature-rich platform with robust security measures. Its continuous evolution, extensive integration capabilities, and commitment to user-friendly design make it a go-to choice for businesses seeking efficient collaboration tools. As Slack continues to adapt and innovate, it remains a key player in shaping the future of digital workplace communication.

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