Digital Marketing

Influencer Marketing Trends: 12 Things That Will Shape 2023

You’ve come to the right place if you’re interested in learning what influencer marketing trends to expect in 2023. Influencer marketing has become an essential tool for brands looking to reach new audiences and drive engagement. With the rise of social media, influencer marketing has become a cost-effective and targeted way for brands to reach consumers and build brand awareness. As the influencer marketing industry continues to grow, brands need to stay informed about the latest trends to effectively leverage the power of influencer marketing.

In 2023, we can expect to see a continued focus on niche influencer marketing, with brands looking to work with micro-influencers who have highly engaged, niche followings. Authenticity and transparency will continue to be important, as consumers demand that influencer marketing campaigns are genuine, not just thinly veiled advertisements. Video content will also continue to play a significant role in influencer marketing, as more brands use live streams and other video formats to reach their audiences. With the rise of this trend, utilizing Instagram video editing tools can further enhance the quality and engagement of such content, making it a vital component of successful influencer campaigns.

Virtual and augmented reality technologies are likely to become more prevalent in influencer marketing, offering new and exciting ways for brands to engage with consumers. Interactive content, such as quizzes and challenges, will continue to be popular, as brands use these tools to drive engagement and increase brand awareness. Verification and authenticity will become increasingly important, as fake influencer accounts become more prevalent. Influencer management platforms will continue to evolve and offer more advanced tools and analytics, allowing brands to better manage their influencer marketing campaigns.

In 2023, there will be several trends that will shape the influencer marketing industry and the way brands approach it. Here are some of the key trends to watch for:

1) The Impact of the Coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has had a massive impact on the influencer marketing industry. Not only did it cause many influencers to lose their incomes due to events and travel cancellations, but it also changed the way that marketers approached influencer campaigns. According to a survey by Influencer Marketing Hub, 64% of marketers are now using influencer marketing as a way to pivot their campaigns in the wake of Covid-19.

The pandemic has also caused some brands to shift their focus away from traditional celebrity endorsements and towards more relatable micro-influencers and everyday people with smaller followings. This trend is due, in part, to the fact that micro-influencers are often seen as more authentic and relatable than celebrities, which can help brands connect with their target audience in a more meaningful way. Additionally, social media ads, Instagram marketing, and other digital marketing efforts have become more important than ever for reaching consumers in a world where physical events are no longer an option.

These changes to the influencer marketing landscape have made it more important than ever for marketers to stay up-to-date on the latest influencer marketing trends and develop strategies to maximize their reach and engagement with their target audiences. This includes setting influencer marketing benchmarks and staying abreast of changes in the market so that they can adjust their campaigns accordingly. By keeping up with the latest influencer marketing trends, brands can ensure that they remain competitive in the changing landscape and that their campaigns are successful in connecting with their audiences.

2) Rise of the Micro-Influencers

One of the biggest influencer marketing trends we’re seeing in 2023 is the rise of micro-influencers. Micro-influencers are best defined as those with a smaller, more targeted audience than traditional influencers. Many brands are choosing to partner with micro-influencers because they can create more authentic content and better engage with their target audiences.

For example, compared to larger influencers, micro-influencers have a better chance of having a higher engagement rate on their posts. This is because their followers are often loyal, and they also have more control over their content. In addition, micro-influencers usually have more flexibility when it comes to setting their prices, giving them the ability to be more competitive than larger influencers.


Using micro-influencers is also an effective way to increase your Instagram marketing reach and better target your desired audience. By partnering with these influencers, you can be sure that your content will be seen by those most likely to be interested in your brand or product.

Furthermore, micro-influencers tend to be much more cost-effective than traditional influencers and social media ads. As such, they’re becoming increasingly popular among influencer marketers who want to increase their digital marketing reach while saving money. According to a recent influencer marketing benchmark report, the average cost per post for a micro-influencer is $108 – far less than the $500-$1000+ range typically associated with traditional influencers.

As you can see, the rise of micro-influencers is one of the top influencer marketing trends that will shape 2023. With their increased authenticity and cost-effectiveness, micro-influencers are quickly becoming some of the best influencers for brands looking to maximize their digital marketing efforts.

3) Increased Focus on Authenticity

Authenticity has always been an important part of successful influencer marketing, but the trend is becoming even more prevalent. Authenticity is essential to truly connect with the target audience and stand out from other social media ads. The best influencers can create content that resonates with their followers, providing genuine engagement and interaction. This also helps to establish trust between the brand and the consumer. Influencer marketers need to focus on finding influencers who can represent their brand genuinely, as this will help to create lasting relationships between the influencers and their followers.

This focus on authenticity is becoming an even more important part of influencer marketing trends in 2023. For example, more brands are setting realistic benchmarks for influencers based on their content authenticity and relevance. Additionally, digital marketing and Instagram marketing campaigns are putting a greater emphasis on connecting with customers through storytelling and creating a sense of trust. All of these factors are leading to an increase in the focus on authenticity in influencer marketing.

4) More Emphasis on Storytelling

Storytelling has always been a powerful tool for communication, and it has become even more important in the world of influencer marketing. As the competition for audience engagement increases, the best influencers are using storytelling to create connections with their target audiences. Stories can be used to humanize a brand or product, and they can also be used to explain why certain products are the right fit for their audiences.


When done right, stories can help increase the impact of an influencer’s message and improve engagement with the audience. An effective story should be creative, interesting, and relatable. Influencer marketers must be able to craft stories that appeal to their target audience and that capture the essence of what their brand or product is all about.

Digital marketing and Instagram marketing have also opened up new opportunities for storytelling. By taking advantage of social media ads and other features, influencers can create compelling content that speaks to their followers in meaningful ways. They can also use storytelling as part of influencer marketing benchmarks, like measuring the effectiveness of campaigns and tracking performance metrics.

5) Increased Collaboration Between Brands and Influencers

The trend of increased collaboration between brands and influencers has been one of the most talked-about influencer marketing trends in recent years. Companies are no longer relying solely on traditional advertising such as television commercials and print ads, but rather turning to influencers to help reach their target audience more effectively.

This trend is further highlighted by the fact that influencer marketers are now looking to work with the best influencers who can help reach the right audiences and help create campaigns that are more authentic and engaging. Collaborations between brands and influencers often involve the influencer creating content that serves as a social media ad for the company, but also provides them with an opportunity to showcase their creativity, voice, and platform.

Increased collaboration between brands and influencers is also leading to more creative Instagram marketing campaigns, as well as benchmarking of influencer marketing success. Companies are finding that these collaborations often result in higher engagement, reach, and conversions than their traditional digital marketing efforts. As the trend continues to grow in popularity, we can expect to see more successful collaborations between brands and influencers in 2023.

6) Greater Use of User-Generated Content

One of the biggest influencer marketing trends in 2023 will be the greater use of user-generated content. User-generated content (UGC) is any content created by consumers or customers that promotes a brand, product, or service. UGC can come in the form of videos, images, reviews, and more. It has become increasingly popular over the last few years, with studies showing that UGC can lead to higher brand engagement and trust than traditional ads or social media posts.

As influencer marketing continues to grow, we’ll see an increased focus on UGC for brands looking to reach their target audience. User-generated content offers brands the opportunity to tap into their influencers’ fan bases and create unique content that resonates with them. Moreover, it’s cost-effective compared to other digital marketing efforts, which makes it an attractive option for many influencer marketers.

User-Generated Content

It’s important to note that brands should always aim for quality over quantity when it comes to UGC. It’s important to identify the best influencers to work with that have an engaged and active audience who can create content that aligns with your brand. Doing this will ensure that the content produced is authentic and resonates with your target audience. Additionally, you should set UGC benchmarks so you can track and measure the success of your campaigns.

Ultimately, user-generated content is a great tool for influencer marketers to utilize when creating Instagram marketing campaigns. It’s cost-effective and allows brands to create content that resonates with their target audience. By utilizing UGC, brands can effectively market their products or services and increase their overall ROI.

7) Expansion Into New Platforms

As influencer marketing continues to evolve, one of the key trends we’re seeing is the expansion of influencer marketing into new platforms. Influencer marketers are becoming increasingly savvy when it comes to using new platforms to find the best influencers to meet their goals.

The rise of platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, and Twitch has opened up a whole new world for influencer marketers, allowing them to reach a wider range of target audiences than ever before. For example, Instagram and Facebook remain the two most popular social media platforms for influencer marketing, but there are now many other options available to marketers who want to reach a specific target audience.

When it comes to finding the best influencers, marketers need to use their knowledge of the latest influencer marketing trends and benchmark what other successful influencer marketers are doing. They also need to know how to create content for each platform that will engage their target audience, as well as know what types of social media ads will work best for each platform.

Overall, the trend of expansion into new platforms will continue to be one of the biggest influencer marketing trends in 2023 and beyond. By leveraging new platforms, influencer marketers will be able to reach an even larger audience and have greater success in their digital marketing campaigns.

8) Increased use of AI and Automation

AI and automation are rapidly becoming more prominent in influencer marketing. AI is already being used to better target influencers and help create more relevant content. It can also be used to automate processes such as influencer selection, content creation, and social media ads. This will help marketers save time and resources when running influencer campaigns.

use of AI and Automation

AI can also identify the best influencers for a particular campaign. AI-driven data analysis helps marketers gain insight into their target audience and allows them to create a benchmark for influencer marketing success. It also enables them to track the performance of influencers on various platforms, such as Instagram and YouTube, and optimize their campaigns accordingly.

Overall, AI and automation are making influencer marketing easier for digital marketers. They allow marketers to save time and resources by automating processes while helping them identify and target the right influencers for their campaigns. By incorporating these technologies into their strategies, marketers can achieve better results with their influencer marketing campaigns.

9) The Growth of Influencer Marketplaces

In recent years, there has been an emergence of influencer marketplaces. These are platforms that enable influencer marketers to search for and connect with the best influencers for their campaigns. The marketplaces provide a wide range of data that allow marketers to choose the right influencers based on their target audience, digital marketing goals, and influencer marketing benchmarks.

For example, most influencer marketplaces will offer detailed insights into each influencer’s engagement rates, follower demographics, and more. This allows brands to choose influencers that are well-suited for their social media ads and Instagram marketing campaigns.

Additionally, influencer marketplaces allow marketers to measure the success of their campaigns in real-time by tracking metrics like reach, impressions, and conversions. These platforms also provide analytics on post-campaign performance so that marketers can assess their return on investment (ROI).

Overall, the growth of influencer marketplaces is one of the latest trends in influencer marketing that will shape 2023. Marketers should leverage these platforms to identify the best influencers for their campaigns and gain valuable insights into their campaigns’ performance.

10) Increased Regulation

The emergence of influencer marketing has also led to an increase in regulations and compliance. As influencer marketing grows in popularity, governments and other regulatory bodies have taken action to make sure brands and influencers adhere to certain guidelines. This means that influencer marketers need to be aware of the laws and regulations that apply to them.

Some of the regulations that have been put into place include the enforcement of transparency when it comes to sponsored content. Brands now must disclose when a post is sponsored or contains affiliate links. This helps ensure that customers are aware of any potential bias the influencer may have when promoting a product.

Increased Regulation

Another regulation that has been put into place is that influencers must now adhere to the same guidelines as traditional advertisers when it comes to targeting ads on social media platforms such as Instagram. This includes ensuring that the target audience for ads is appropriate and that influencers are not running ads for products or services that are illegal or harmful.

Finally, many countries are beginning to put into place benchmarks for how influencers should be compensated for their work. This is designed to help protect influencers from exploitation and make sure they are paid fairly for the work they do.

Overall, increased regulation is one of the biggest influencer marketing trends of 2023. As a result, influencer marketers must stay up to date on all of the latest regulations and trends to ensure they are running compliant campaigns and engaging with the best influencers for their brand.

11) The Decline of Celebrity Endorsements

With the rapid expansion of influencer marketing, there has been a decline in the use of celebrity endorsements for digital marketing campaigns. As brands increasingly target their audience more accurately with influencer marketing, celebrity endorsements have become less cost-effective. Many brands now prefer to work with influencers that are better aligned with their values and interests, and that can reach the desired target audience more easily.

The focus on influencers over celebrities means that the best influencers are increasingly becoming the benchmark for successful influencer marketing trends. Influencer marketers are now searching for individuals who have an established presence and following on social media, rather than celebrities, to promote their products or services. This shift is because influencers tend to have higher engagement rates, as well as greater credibility with their target audience.

As a result, Instagram marketing and other social media ads featuring influencers are becoming more popular. For example, many brands are using influencers to showcase their product lines, review products, and provide discounts or other incentives to their followers. By connecting with influencers who have an engaged following, brands can maximize the effectiveness of their digital marketing campaigns and create more meaningful relationships with their target audience.

Final thought

The influencer marketing industry continues to evolve and adapt to changing consumer preferences and technological advancements. Brands will need to stay ahead of the curve by embracing new trends and technologies while prioritizing authenticity and transparency in their campaigns. By carefully considering the latest trends, brands can effectively leverage the power of influencer marketing to reach new audiences, build brand awareness, and drive sales.

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