
Top 10 Healthiest Alkaline Diet Foods to Include in Your Diet

If you’re on the Alkaline Diet, you know that it can be tricky to eat healthy while staying within the framework of this dietary lifestyle. After all, acidic foods are so delicious and easy to come by how can you resist? One of the best things about the alkaline diet is that it doesn’t require you to give up all the foods you love, but it does ask that you make some concessions on which foods are included in your diet, and that’s where these 10 alkaline diet foods come in!

1) Leafy greens

Leafy greens such as spinach, collard greens, kale, and Swiss chard are rich in phytonutrients and micronutrients that help alkalize your body and balance pH levels. The high amounts of magnesium, manganese, iron, and calcium found in leafy greens also aid in metabolism and enzyme function. The healthy doses of vitamin K found in leafy greens help keep blood pressure low while promoting bone health. Try throwing a handful of raw spinach into a smoothie or sauteing some kale with olive oil. You can even make your green juice with fruits like apples and lemons mixed with leafy greens. Get creative!

2) Celery

Most of us know that celery is good for us because it has lots of Vitamin C and dietary fiber. But did you know that celery can lower your blood pressure, reduce your risk of cancer, fight off an infection, relieve sore muscles and boost your immune system? Celery’s high water content means that it’s full of vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. That’s why eating celery provides numerous health benefits: from lowering cholesterol levels to fighting cancer. Plus, when consumed regularly celery improves bone density making it a powerful weapon against osteoporosis. It also eliminates free radicals from our body resulting in a longer life span. Celery is most nutritious when eaten raw but can be cooked as well.

3) Squash

Squash is extremely versatile, perfect for an evening meal or as a side dish during lunch. Rich in vitamins A and C, squash also provides potassium, folate, and niacin. Additionally, it’s alkalizing hence its nickname nature aspirin. Paired with a small serving of protein-rich quinoa or freekeh for a balanced meal that will keep you energized all day long.

4) Carrots

Known for their high beta-carotene content, carrots are a good source of vitamin A, which promotes healthy vision and immune function. Furthermore, research suggests that beta-carotene may play a role in reducing cholesterol levels and cancer risk. And because they’re low on the glycemic index (GI), carrots won’t send your blood sugar on a roller coaster-like more sugary vegetables. Opt for fresh over canned to preserve more nutrients. Because you should always wash your produce thoroughly before eating it especially if you plan on cooking with it these are best eaten raw as crudités or slaw alongside other veggies and dips at parties.

5) Spinach

Spinach is rich in potassium, which helps with cellular and muscle contraction and blood pressure regulation. It’s also a good source of vitamin A, which helps boost your immune system, eyesight, and skin health. Spinach is particularly high in iron and vitamin C two nutrients that help promote healthy blood circulation. Eating spinach will provide you with essential micronutrients needed for tissue repair and growth. It has also been found to contain zeaxanthin an antioxidant that can help prevent age-related macular degeneration by minimizing damage caused by sunlight exposure. Plus, it’s an excellent source of magnesium an essential mineral that can help lower your risk of type 2 diabetes as well as heart disease.

6) Tomatoes

Eat tomatoes for their phytonutrients and anti-inflammatory benefits. Phytonutrients help protect cells from free radical damage, keeping your organs healthy and boosting energy levels. Tomatoes are also packed with lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Add them to your salads or sandwiches, use them as a vegetable side dish or puree them into tomato soup. A heart-healthy lifestyle is essential if you want to lose weight while taking an alkaline diet. It’s easy; just watch what you eat, stay away from sugar and keep an eye on fruits instead of juices (even lemonade). On top of these things, you must incorporate physical activities into your daily life to boost your metabolism levels naturally.

7) Cauliflower

While commonly thought of as a vegetable, avocados are technically a fruit, as they contain seeds. While you can certainly make guacamole out of them, avocados also make for a great addition to many other foods. On top of being relatively low in calories and an excellent source of healthy fats and fiber, avocados are packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fatty acids that have been linked to improvements in cholesterol levels and blood pressure. In addition, avocado is rich in potassium one medium avocado contains over 12% of your daily value which has been linked to reductions in blood pressure. All things considered, including more avocado in your diet should help improve your heart health!

8) Beans

Avocados are a dieter’s best friend! A serving of avocado (1⁄4 cup) contains a mere 35 calories but is packed with 3 grams of fiber, making it very filling. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats and are rich in oleic acid (which may help lower your cholesterol), as well as potassium and vitamin E. Antioxidants called phenols have also been found in avocados, which can protect your cells from oxidative damage. Last but not least, one serving of avocado contains nearly 20% of your daily recommended intake of Vitamin C! You will want to include avocados on your alkaline diet shopping list because they are delicious and extremely healthy for you.

9) Kale

Calorie for calorie, kale is one of the healthiest foods on earth. It’s a non-starchy vegetable and superfood packed with nutrients and vitamins that help support your body’s natural detoxification systems. Kale is full of antioxidants like carotenoids, quercetin, kaempferol, and myricetin; all of which are proven to fight free radicals that damage healthy cells. Free radicals are partially responsible for aging skin, creating wrinkles, and causing disease and even cancer. But it’s easy to prevent these pesky little things from wreaking havoc in your body if you include kale as part of your daily diet. Kale contains over 50% more vitamin C than an orange!

10) Avocado

Avocados have long been included on lists of healthy foods because they’re rich in vitamins and minerals, as well as essential fats. According to Dr. Weil, avocados are alkalizing because of their potassium content. Potassium-rich foods help balance our body’s pH levels and encourage alkalinity by producing sodium bicarbonate, which helps prevent an acidifying effect. Additionally, avocados contain monounsaturated fats that help lower your cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and promote healthy blood sugar control all benefits for someone trying to live a healthy lifestyle.

Wrapping Up

The benefits of an alkaline diet are clear: you’ll have better absorption of nutrients and increased energy, among other things. By eating more fresh vegetables and whole grains, fruits, and healthy fats (omega-3 fatty acids), your body will become more alkaline naturally. Try including some of these ten foods on your next shopping list for maximum health benefits.

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