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8 Tips For Finding The Perfect Long-Term Employees For Your Company



Finding the perfect long-term employees

The process of hiring employees for your company can be difficult, especially if you’re trying to find the perfect match between your company and the employees you hire. Although there’s no magic formula to finding the long-term employees for your company, there are some steps you can take to find people who are dedicated and excited about helping grow your business long-term. Here are 8 tips on how to find the perfect long-term employees for your company.

1) Write Job Descriptions

Writing job descriptions is a key step in helping your company hire and retain great employees. When companies provide employees with clear, concise job descriptions, it creates an environment of consistency. This improves employee satisfaction and makes for an easy way to determine whether or not someone is a good fit for your team.

2) Use Social Media

Being an effective team leader is difficult; it’s hard to keep track of what your employees are doing, how they’re feeling, and if they’re generally happy with their jobs. Injecting more fun into your office can help improve employee satisfaction, which in turn leads to happier employees who are more invested in their work. Having a good retention rate has a lot of benefits not only do you save money when you lose fewer employees, but you also improve your organization’s culture by ensuring that those who work for you stick around long enough to know what they’re doing and feel like part of a larger family.

3) Research Skills Lists

Surveys can be great tools for soliciting feedback from employees, but to get quality data, you need to make sure that your questions are specific enough and relevant to your business. In addition, don’t ask a long list of open-ended questions (that is, ones that don’t have one right answer). These can be difficult for respondents to answer concisely.

4) Do Personality Tests

Before you hire any new employees, have everyone in your office take a personality test. Although these tests can be time-consuming, they will help you find out if your potential new hires are good fits for your company’s culture. By taking into account their preferences and personal strengths before you bring them on board, you can improve employee satisfaction and happiness.

5) Have A Trial Period

You need to know that you are hiring someone who is not only going to be great at their job but will also fit into your company culture. Have a trial period of 2 weeks so that you can see how they work and if they work well with others. During these 2 weeks, have weekly check-ins to ensure that you’re both happy with each other, and then make a decision on whether or not to hire them for the long term.

6) Use References

Do you work with freelancers or contractors regularly? If so, get them to recommend your company for employment; after all, if they like working for you now, chances are they’ll enjoy working at your company even more. And don’t overlook employees who have left your company they may be just as eager to vouch for you as they were when they worked there.

7) Search Their Homes For Clues About Their Personality and Employability

There’s no way around it: Hiring long-term employees can be a pain. This is especially true when you have a limited budget for pay raises, which means you don’t want to make any hires you won’t stick with for at least a year. One of my colleagues recommended that I run background checks on applicants. At first, I was hesitant about doing so; after all, I hadn’t heard of other employers doing such a thing and felt it might be wrong or illegal in some way.

8) Ask Personal Questions While Talking To Them

It might seem like an odd icebreaker, but asking personal questions can help you learn more about your candidates. These questions don’t have to be invasive and they aren’t meant to trip anyone up or give them a hard time they’re simply an opportunity for them to share something about themselves that otherwise wouldn’t come up.


Effective team leaders are always looking for ways to keep their teams upbeat and motivated. For example, many leaders use contests or other incentives to inject fun into their office environment. Another effective strategy for finding long-term employees is creating a positive environment where workers feel appreciated and enjoy coming to work each day. If you follow these tips, you’ll find that your company will be better equipped in its search for long-term employees who will stick around for years to come.

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