
How to Write a Proper Employee Leaving Announcement: Tips and Examples

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving realm of today’s professional landscape, employee departures are an inevitable aspect of organizational life. Whether an individual is bidding farewell to pursue personal aspirations, explore new opportunities, or transition into retirement, how a company communicates its departure holds significant weight. A well-crafted employee leaving announcement is not just a procedural formality; it is a strategic move to convey appreciation for the departing employee’s contributions and maintain a positive workplace culture. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the art of writing a proper employee leaving announcement, offering valuable tips and examples to ensure a seamless transition and uphold harmony within the workplace.

1. Begin with a Personal Touch

Initiating the employee leaving announcement with a personal touch is paramount in setting the tone for a respectful and appreciative message. This section should go beyond the typical formalities and delve into the unique contributions and qualities of the departing employee.


“It is with mixed emotions that we announce the departure of [Employee’s Name] from our esteemed team. Over the past [number of years/months], [he/she] has played a pivotal role in shaping our success. One particularly memorable instance was when [share a positive anecdote], highlighting [his/her] dedication and impact on our achievements.”

Expressing admiration for the departing employee’s work not only fosters a positive atmosphere but also communicates to the remaining team members that their efforts are recognized and valued.

2. Express Gratitude

Expressing gratitude is a fundamental component of any employee leaving an announcement. This is the moment to recognize and appreciate the departing individual’s dedication, hard work, and the positive influence they’ve had on the organization.


“We extend our sincere gratitude to [Employee’s Name] for [his/her] unwavering commitment to excellence. [He/She] has been a driving force behind our team’s accomplishments, and we are truly thankful for [his/her] invaluable contributions.”

This expression of gratitude not only highlights the departing employee’s impact but also reinforces a culture of appreciation within the organization.

3. Highlight Future Opportunities

In addition to expressing appreciation, it is essential to communicate optimism about the future, both for the departing employee and the team. Address any plans for the transition and assure the remaining staff members that the organization is actively working to ensure a smooth continuation of operations.


“As [Employee’s Name] embarks on this new chapter of [his/her] career, we are confident that [he/she] will excel in [future endeavors]. Simultaneously, we are working on a seamless transition plan to ensure that the high standards set by [him/her] continue to drive our team forward.”

This forward-looking approach helps alleviate concerns among the remaining team members and instills confidence in the organization’s ability to adapt to change.

4. Address the Impact on the Team

An employee leaving announcement is an opportunity to address the potential impact the departure may have on the team. It’s important to acknowledge the change and reassure the team members about the stability and continuity of operations.


“We understand that [Employee’s Name]’s departure may raise questions among the team. Rest assured, we are committed to supporting everyone during this transition. Our team has demonstrated remarkable resilience in the face of change, and we are confident that together, we will continue to thrive.”

Transparency in addressing the impact of the departure fosters trust among team members and encourages an open dialogue about the changes ahead.

5. Provide Contact Information

Including contact information for the departing employee is a thoughtful gesture that encourages ongoing connections. This not only facilitates a smooth knowledge transfer but also leaves the door open for potential collaborations or networking in the future.


“For those who wish to stay in touch with [Employee’s Name], you can reach out to [his/her] personal email at [email address]. We encourage ongoing communication and value the relationships that extend beyond the workplace.”

Providing contact information demonstrates a commitment to maintaining positive relationships beyond the confines of the workplace, fostering a sense of camaraderie and goodwill.

6. End on a Positive Note

Concluding the announcement on a positive and uplifting note is essential. Reiterate appreciation for the departing employee, express confidence in the team’s ability to overcome challenges, and highlight the potential for future successes.


“In bidding farewell to [Employee’s Name], we celebrate the legacy [he/she] leaves behind and look forward to the exciting journey that lies ahead for both [him/her] and our team. Change is a constant in our dynamic industry, and we are confident that, as a united team, we will continue to achieve great things together.”

Ending on a positive note ensures that the overall tone of the announcement is optimistic, reinforcing a culture of resilience and adaptability within the organization.


Crafting a thoughtful employee leaving announcement involves balancing professionalism, gratitude, and optimism. By incorporating the aforementioned tips and examples, organizations can ensure that their announcements not only honor the departing employee but also contribute to a positive and resilient workplace culture. Recognizing individual contributions, expressing gratitude, and addressing the future with confidence are key elements in creating an announcement that resonates with both the departing employee and the remaining team members. Remember, a well-crafted announcement is not just a formality; it’s an opportunity to strengthen team bonds and set the stage for continued success in the face of change.

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