Digital Marketing

How to Implement an Editorial Calendar to Stay Organized and Improve Your Writing?

The idea of having an editorial calendar may seem overwhelming, but it’s quite simple and easy to implement. There are many benefits to using an editorial calendar and your productivity will improve immensely once you start using one. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about an editorial calendar and how you can use one to get more done while feeling more relaxed and organized.

Why do editors use editorial calendars?

The answer lies in what drives effective content marketing. Content marketing is a digital strategy that focuses on attracting more customers with valuable content, like a white paper or industry report. By distributing your content through email, social media, and other channels, you grow your audience while also driving traffic back to your website. But making sure everything stays organized can be difficult when you’re also trying to write new posts regularly, that’s where editorial calendars come in. An editorial calendar is essentially a digital schedule that outlines all of your future posts so you know exactly what to write each week, month, or quarter.

How to organize your editorial calendar?

Digital marketing is a very fast-paced industry, with new trends popping up every day. With everything moving so quickly it’s important to stay organized and have a good system in place for your writing. An editorial calendar can be used by any kind of business but is particularly important for companies that use social media as part of their marketing strategy. By setting aside specific times on specific days you will always be prepared with fresh, up-to-date content that will be sure to attract new customers and keep old ones interested in what you have to say. Here are some tips for creating your editorial calendar software implementation plan

How you can keep yourself motivated?

A Digital Marketing Agency can offer some new ideas, motivation, and insight into how things are going. A good agency understands search intent. One of their goals is to improve search intent in content marketing. If you have a team that can help keep you on track, it will make it much easier for you to stay motivated while working on your content. If they can also offer new ideas and insights based on search behavior data, all of that information is excellent for improving writing quality.

Here are five steps on How to Implement an Editorial Calendar:

Step 1: Define your goal

Before you do anything else, you need to define your goal. The whole point of having an editorial calendar is so that you can write more content, but what exactly are you trying to accomplish? Is it improving your ranking in search results? Maybe it’s landing more guest blogging opportunities? Figuring out what you want will help you choose where (and how) to place content for maximum impact. No matter what your goals are, make sure they’re SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound).

Step 2: Pick your top 3 goals

Once you’ve identified your top 3 goals, pick your least favorite and decide what action you’ll take in 1 week that will help reach that goal. Next, identify 2 more goals in months 3, 6 months, and one year. At each period, ask yourself if you have taken action towards these goals or if you are taking steps in that direction. If not, then reflect on what’s holding you back from making progress toward them.

Step 3: Share it with someone

Get some feedback. Take a look at what you’ve written. Is it clear and concise? Does it convey your message effectively? Did you make any grammatical mistakes or typos that should be corrected? The best way to answer these questions is by showing your writing to someone else. (Even when it comes to longer pieces, like white papers or blogs.) There’s no better proofreading tool than another set of eyes, so ask for feedback from other people on your team or colleagues in your industry. Even better: Consider hiring a professional editor, who can help you polish up all areas of your piece: from grammar and organization to concision, tone, style, and voice.

Step 4: Keep a pen & paper next to you at all times

You’ll be surprised at how much you will get done by jotting down your ideas. Many writers don’t want their notes on a computer, so leave yourself some space to write down ideas as they come up. You never know when inspiration is going to strike! Plus, having a piece of paper with written ideas can help you stay organized. This is one of those things that writers do because it works!

Step 5: Work on it every day

Do you want to be a writer, a published author one day? Good! That’s great. I’m happy for you. But that doesn’t mean that everything else in your life should stop. You have school, work, family, and friends. All these things are important. What isn’t important is letting them get in your way of accomplishing your dream of being a writer/published author/journalist etc… If all you want is to write every once in a while, that’s fine but if you want it as a career then you need to be writing every day.


To conclude, it is important to keep your writing organized by implementing a formal editorial calendar. This will help you stay on track with your writing goals and help produce high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience. One of my favorite editorial calendars is The Editorial Calendar by Brian Clark at Copyblogger Media. I highly recommend giving it a look if you are interested in developing a killer editorial calendar for yourself.

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