Digital Marketing
How a Digital Marketing Agency Can Grow Your Business?

Establishing your brand in the digital age can be tricky, but you shouldn’t have to go it alone. A digital marketing agency can help you work through the ins and outs of your online presence, provide advice on how to optimize it and even do much of the heavy lifting when it comes to content creation and social media marketing, all while keeping your company’s vision top-of-mind throughout their work on your brand. In this article, we’ll discuss exactly what you can expect from a digital marketing agency so that you can decide if working with one is right for your business.
Why You Need an Agency
While you might think it’s easy to handle all your marketing needs in-house, without an agency, your brand won’t get nearly as much coverage. Many businesses are turning to digital marketing agencies because they provide more scope of digital marketing services. As these businesses grow, they outgrow their own internal capabilities and need help from an outside source. Digital agencies also bring big-brand experience to smaller companies with limited resources. This can be invaluable when trying to create new partnerships or networks that will further expand business horizons.
Finding The Right Agency
When you’re ready to start looking for an agency, it’s important to ask some questions first. Firstly, decide how big your marketing budget is and then find out what services an agency offers that fit within that budget. You should also consider how big your business is now – as well as how big you want it to be – because that will impact which type of agency you hire. If your business isn’t ready for in-house marketing staff or if you don’t have the time and resources to dedicate to planning and implementing new strategies on your own, contracting with a digital marketing agency may be your best bet.
What is a Digital Marketing Agency?
Now that you have an idea of what digital marketing is, it’s time to explore your options for getting started. Before going out and spending money on various marketing methods and providers, it’s important to know exactly what types of services are out there. A digital marketing agency provides everything from SEO to social media management—all under one roof. If your business is new or lacking in certain areas, then hiring an agency might be a great option for you. However, if you feel that you have all of your bases covered with employees or freelancers, then maybe it’s not worth it at the moment. In any case, it never hurts to do some research!
The Scope of Digital Marketing
There are numerous branches of digital marketing, from social media and email marketing to paid advertising. A great digital marketing agency has experience with all facets of digital. While there’s no reason you can’t pick up skills and knowledge on your own, it certainly makes sense to seek help if you’re going to dive into these waters. If that seems like too much work—or you just don’t have time—you might also want to consider letting an agency do everything for you. Agencies have a broader scope of services than most individual practitioners, which means they can handle everything from advertising campaigns and search engine optimization (SEO) to social media management, web design and development, copywriting and so much more.
Why Work with Agencies in General?
Once you know what digital marketing is and what an agency can do for your business, you’ll probably still have questions like: How will they get my business to succeed? What is their track record? Will they bring me leads or create them themselves? Why should I hire an agency at all when I could easily do all of these things myself? It’s understandable that you may be skeptical of agencies or consultants—especially because everyone claims to be the best. That said, many businesses start out working with agencies because they know it’s an effective way to grow and scale. And if nothing else, hiring an agency will help put your business on track for future success.
What is SEO?
If you’re just getting started with digital marketing, it might be difficult to know where to begin. For new businesses, hire a brand agency—with experience in SEO best practices—can help you get off on the right foot and understand how search engines work. Understanding how search engines see your website can help ensure that your site ranks highly for target keywords and phrases so that it gets found by customers looking for goods or services like yours. An experienced brand agency will also be able to provide insight into which paid advertising platforms are most effective at driving targeted traffic. The higher-quality traffic, combined with targeted landing pages, has been shown to increase conversion rates across all industries. Paid advertising is typically more expensive than organic channels such as SEO and social media; however, once your brand is established and generates awareness among potential customers through organic channels, paid advertising can become an effective way of scaling up quickly.
The Value Of Social Media
Think of your favorite brand, then think about how they market their products. Chances are they’re all over social media—and if they aren’t yet, you can bet they will be soon. In fact, according to statistics compiled by Forbes and reported by Social Media Today, as many as 73% of brands plan to spend more on social media marketing in 2016 than in 2015—with some even planning on devoting up to 25% of their budget to social media advertising! So what does that mean for you? As a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur looking to grow your brand, it means you need to make sure your brand is taking advantage of all digital marketing channels—including those that are free or low-cost.
Working With Agencies – Pros and Cons
One of the easiest ways to get a digital marketing plan underway is to hire an agency. An agency will come with staff and infrastructure in place, allowing you to focus on your core competencies as well as to expand your brand’s reach through things like SEO, content marketing, and search engine advertising. However, there are drawbacks to working with an agency: some agencies will take equity in exchange for services; there may be conflicts of interest if that agency represents other brands; it can be difficult to access data or compare performance against competitors when working with outside vendors; and your relationship with that vendor may not always be positive or smooth sailing.