9 Ways to Improve Employee Satisfaction

What could be better than working with people you like? Nothing, of course! But what can you do if your office doesn’t have the highest employee satisfaction? Luckily, there are tons of ways to improve employee satisfaction, and all it takes is some hard work, smart planning, and a bit of time. Use these nine ways to improve employee satisfaction in your office today to make sure your employees love coming to work tomorrow!
1) Ask Questions
Employee satisfaction is as much about what you say and how you say it as it is about your actual words. Be aware of your body language, and try to avoid any hint of a condescending tone when addressing employees. Moreover, make sure to listen closely to your employees—what they have to say can be invaluable in helping improve overall company morale. Asking questions and actively listening helps build interpersonal communication between managers and workers.
2) Look at Issues From a Different Perspective
Good interpersonal communication is vital for employee satisfaction. Too often, management looks at office issues from their own perspective and doesn’t consider how employees feel. If you can get into your employees’ heads, you’ll understand why certain policies aren’t effective and how to make more people happy with their work. Also consider taking a look at your workplace through an employee’s eyes see if there are ways you can keep morale high even when times are tough or find new ways of motivating people in challenging situations. These tactics will help you foster strong relationships between managers and employees so they not only enjoy working together but will likely appreciate other aspects of their jobs as well.
3) Initiate Office Fun Events
When your employees feel good, they’re motivated, productive and happy. And office fun events are a great way to improve employee satisfaction. Start with games that help break down barriers between colleagues; everyone loves a game of foosball or ping pong after work hours! Or try something new like painting classes at a local studio. If your team is made up of creative types, learning new skills together helps them bond over creative activities and improves interpersonal communication, another important factor in employee satisfaction. Encourage team outings: After all those new experiences outside of work together, bring them back into your office! Games nights in common areas or group dinners during lunch can be great ways for employees to get to know each other on a personal level and form deeper relationships beyond their professional relationship.
4) Use Team Building Exercises
Team building is a great way to help your employees bond and have fun together. There are a variety of team-building exercises you can use, including trivia games, role playing or even hiking together. Don’t be afraid to get creative the point is for your employees to get outside their offices and enjoy each other’s company! Doing so will help improve interpersonal communication and make work more enjoyable overall.
5) Increase Communication Among Employees
It’s easy for workers to feel disconnected, especially if they sit in different departments. Most of us like a little bit of familiarity and consistency during our workday, so try introducing consistent office fun or get-togethers (to up your employee satisfaction, don’t call them company parties) that allow employees from different groups to bond. Meetings over lunch or happy hours after work can help everyone feel more connected. It’s also important for team members who do sit in close proximity to talk with each other frequently about projects and even general office happenings the more familiar coworkers are with one another, the happier they’ll be at work. Some research shows that when people socialize outside of work, it actually helps them get along better within it as well.
6) Discuss Objectives
It’s best if you can set specific objectives for your office fun, so that your employees know what they’re working toward. For example, improve employee morale by 15% within three months. If you don’t have specific objectives in mind, you can still take steps to improve employee satisfaction overall: offer benefits and perks; provide generous vacation policies; make flexible schedules a priority; and ensure that managers follow through on commitments. By setting an agenda and focusing on measurable results, you can have a positive impact on employee happiness without breaking any company rules or pulling a David Spade in Tommy Boy. But remember just because you can do something doesn’t mean it’s right!
7) Reward Your Employees and Their Achievements
Reward employees for their hard work. Incentives can include financial incentives or promotional opportunities, or a letter of gratitude from your CEO. The most important thing is that you take time to recognize your employees for their efforts and successes. Your recognition could be as simple as saying thank you but that goes a long way. As Albert Einstein once said, The biggest human mistake is being too proud of our own accomplishments, while we don’t even care enough about our own mistakes. A great employee feels appreciated and rewarded, and research shows that feeling appreciated directly influences an employee’s attitude towards their job, co-workers and customers.
8) Communicate Openly And Honestly
Open communication between employees and their superiors is crucial. A study from The University of Oklahoma’s Human Resource Research Center found that companies where managers were honest with employees were more profitable and had higher employee retention rates than those where managers misled or misinformed workers. To foster an environment of honesty, communicate regularly about company news, whether it’s positive or negative. It also helps to work toward a sense of camaraderie within your team by encouraging interaction outside of work. If you see two people talking during a lunch break, don’t be afraid to walk over and say hello. It could be just what they need to build rapport with one another and maybe even with you!
9) Give Credit Where Credit Is Due
When employees feel that their work is being recognized, they’re going to work harder in order to stay on top of their game. Making sure your employees feel recognized will not only improve morale and productivity but also lead to greater engagement within your company. Make sure you’re clearly sharing achievements with team members when they do a good job. Maybe it’s publicly recognizing an employee for great client service or giving them a shout out in front of peers whatever it is, be sure your employee gets thanked. It doesn’t even have to be monetary; sometimes thanking employees by gifting them with rewards like gift cards or company swag goes a long way.
Final Thought
There’s no such thing as a magical way to make employees happy, but if you incorporate some of these tips, you should be able to increase your employee satisfaction. The biggest mistake that employers make is that they are too quick in firing an employee for one reason or another; instead of just hiring new people, it would be better for both parties if you simply motivated your current staff members and retrained them. Make them feel like their work is actually worthwhile and treat them with respect, not as replaceable employees. Try implementing some of these strategies into your business strategy and see what kind of results you get! Good luck!